Long-Term Partnerships for Change
There are two pillars to our work: using practical, immediate solutions and long-term partnerships for change to reach Bomet's 1 million residents. We know that, in the long run, it will take collaboration between local government, businesses, and communities who will overcome the water and sanitation crisis, and it's our job to help them speed that process up through:

Impact to Date
As a result of our long-term partnerships for change:
The County Government of Bomet has created and launched the 'Bomet County Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Roadmap' for achieving universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene services.
The Bomet County Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Hub has been established in the county government's HQ to coordinate and monitor activity across the entire county
Bomet's first fully digital survey of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene access, covering all 1 million residents, has been completed

"The WASH Hub has come at the right time... it can help us to share the data, share the knowledge and act as a vital link between our county and our partners"
Frederick Ruto, Managing Director of Bomet Water and Sanitation Company
Our 5-year plan
To rapidly deliver the Bomet County Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Roadmap, Dig Deep and the County Government of Bomet have signed our Memorandum of Understanding (2022-27) which commits both ourselves and the government to co-funding and jointly delivering this work.
Through our practical, immediate solutions this means that over the next 5 years we plan to deliver:
Construction of 81 water projects providing 80,000 people with clean water
Construction and training projects at 29 schools providing 11,000 children with clean water, safe toilets, and good hygiene
Construction of 2,000 household toilets to create Open Defecation Free communities for 188,000 people.
At the same time through our long-term partnerships for change we plan to partner with the County Government of Bomet to deliver the Institutional Strengthening interventions identified in the roadmap. These strategic interventions are critical to ensuring our blueprint water, sanitation, and hygiene services are scaled sustainably across the entire county.